Stochastic Process 3 -- Markov Process
This note explains markov process and its applications.
This note explains markov process and its applications.
This note covers basic concept of random process in LTI system. Filters are discussed as an examples.
This note explains what is likelyhood and its connection with regression.
This slide contains three alphas which achieve good performance on WorldQuant IQC.
This slides contain results on connecting first-order descent methods with physics. By deriving a general form for gradient-based methods like vanilla descent, mirror descent, etc, it reveals potential connection to Einstein's theory.
Is there a general form that summaries as many distributions as possible? Maybe exponential family is what you want.
This paper aims at including some useful distributions. For example: Beta, Gamma, etc.
This paper mainly comes fromProbability and Statistical Inference, Second Edition, Robert Bartoszynski, Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj
This paper mainly comes from Probability and Statistical Inference, Second Edition, Robert Bartoszynski, Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj