
Everything About Yi


SJTU: UM-JI ECE 23', CS 23', SJTU-Math 23', IWINS-LAB USC: CE 24'

Course TA: Honor Calculus, Differential Equation


AWS Lambda Pollor Team Software Developer Intern 2023/5 - 2023/8

Naive Systems Software Developer Intern 2022/2 - 2022/5

Research Interest

What I am curious about:

  • Unified framework for gradient methods to explain BP network convergence.
  • Accelration of executing on heterogenuous integration chips.

What I am learning about:

  • Dynamics of accelerated gradient methods unified as stationary solution of a particularly defined Lagrangian on tangent bundle of properly choosen Riemannian manifold.
  • Numerical discretization of differential equations defined on connected graph for distributed consensus and optimization.
  • Resilience of algorithms in distributed network under Byzantine or malicious attacks based on sensitivity analysis.

Application of Research:

Surface Smoothing, Image Processing, Optimization Solver, Statical Analysis of Code.


  • Class One: Modern Operating Systems: Principle and Implementation, Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Designing Data-Intensive Applications

  • Class Two: The Selfish Gene, The Discovery of Society


Y. Zhang, Z. He and J. He, "Resilient Approximation-Based Distributed Nonconvex Optimization," 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022, pp. 2773-2778, doi: 10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867716.

Course Taken

Math: Honor Math I-III, Diff. Equation, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, Computational Diff. Geometry, Informaton Geometry, Stochastic Process, Numerical Analysis.

CS: Computer Network, Algorithms & Data Structures, Distributed System, Database System, Operating System, Cryptography.

CE: Circult Design, Analog Circuilt, Logic Design, Computer Arch., Semiconductor Physic, Formal Verification, Cyber-Physical System.

Project Finished

  • Synchronus 5-stage pipeline CPU with virtual memory based on RISC-V. (Verilog)
  • Acceleration of Tinn framework on multi-core CPU through LLVM register mapping optimization. (Perl, gem5, Python)
  • Discrete search in heterogeneous integer spaces for automated choice of parameters using Correct-by-Construction methods. (Python)
  • Raft KV storage system. (Golang)
  • Socket server and client with certification, query. (C++/C)
  • Operating system lab. ChCore memory management and file system (Assemnly, C++/C)
  • Anisotropic smoothing of surfaces. (MATLAB)
  • What for Rust?

Engineering Skills

DevOps (K8s, Prometheus, Docker, git, CI/CD tools) Web Framework Software Backend Developemnt Go, Python, C++/C, Rust, MATLAB, Verilog LaTex, Markdown, HTML