
Functional Analysis 7 -- Baire's Category Theorem 1

Functional Analysis 7 -- Baire's Category Theorem 1

This is course note from Siran Li-Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Consider \(X\) as nonempty, complete metric space.

Philosophy: Select \(E \subset X.\) Is \(E\) big or small?

Topologically: small -- meagre,

Measure: volume, length.

Primary Example: \(Q \subset \mathbb{R}.\) \(\bar{Q} = \mathbb{R}\) but it is a null set.

We can enumerate \(Q = \{q_1, q_2, ...\}\) Then \[ Q \subset \cup I_i, I_i = ]q_i-\frac{\epsilon}{2^{i+1}}, q_i + \frac{\epsilon}{2^{i+1}}[ \] Then we have \[ \sum length( I_i ) = \sum \frac{\epsilon}{2^i} = \epsilon \] where \(\epsilon > 0\) is arbitrary.

Definition: A set \(E \subset X\) is nowhere dense iff \(\bar{E}\) has no interior.

Write \(A^o = int(A) := \{x \in A: \exists \delta > 0, s.t. B^o(x, \delta) \subset A\}.\) Note that \(A^o\) is open. \(A^o \subset A \subset \bar{A}, A \backslash A^o = \partial A.\)

Note that \(\bar{A^o} \neq \bar{A}^o.\)

Eg: \(Q = \cup \{q\}\) is the union of countable nowhere dense set. But \(Q\) is not nowhere dense.

Definition: Meagre

\(E \subset X\) is meagre iff \(E\) can be written as a countable union of nowhere dense set. One may also say that \(E\) is of first category.

Definition: Residual

\(E \subset X\) is residual iff \(X \backslash E\) is meagre. One may also say that \(E\) is comeagre.


\(E \subset X\) is of the 2nd category if it is not of the 1st category.


  1. \(E \subset X\) is meagre, \(F \subset E\) then \(F\) is meagre.

  2. Countable union(intersection) of meagre(residual) sets is meagre(residual).

  3. A countable intersection of dense open sets is residual

Lemma: \(X\backslash A^o = \bar{X \backslash A}.\)

Baire Category Theorem:

Let \(X\) be a nonempty compact metric space. Let \(\{U_n\}\) be a sequence of open, dense subset of \(X.\) Then \(\cap U_n\) is dense.

Let \(\{U_n\}\) be a sequence of open, dense subsets of \(X.\) Then \(\underset{n}\cap U_n\) is dense.


A countable \(\cap\) of open sets is called a \(G_{\delta}\)-set.

A countable \(\cup\) of closed sets is a \(F_{\delta}\)-set.


Residual \(\Leftrightarrow\) contains dense \(G_{\delta}\)

Proof: \(\Leftarrow\) If \(X\cap O_n \subset E \subset X\) where \(O_n\) is open and dense. Then $E# is residual.

\(\Rightarrow\) If \(E\) is residual, then \(X\backslash E\) = \(\cup M_n\) for \(int \bar{M}_n = \phi.\) \(\Rightarrow E = X \backslash (\cup M_n) = \cap (X \backslash M_n).\) where \(\cap (X \backslash \bar{M}_n) \subset \cap (X \backslash M_n).\) Hence \(X \backslash \bar{M}_n\) is dense since, \(\bar{X\backslash \bar{M}_n} = X\backslash(int(\bar{M}_n)) = X,\) given \(M_n\) is nowhere dense. \(\Box\)


  1. A countable \(\cap\) of dense \(G_{\delta}\)-set is dense \(G_{\delta}\)-set.

  2. If \(M \subset X\) is meagre, then \(x \backslash M\) is dense.

  3. Any meagre set in \(X\) has empty interior.

  4. \(X\) is no meagre in itself.

  5. Let \(X\) be a Banach space. Its Hamel basis are either finite or uncountable.

proof: (3) Let \(M \subset X\) be meagre. Then \(M = \cup E_n\) for \(int \bar{E}_n =\phi.\) \(\Rightarrow X \backslash int M = \bar{X \backslash M} = \bar{X \backslash E_n}.\) But \(E_n\) is nowhere dense, leading to that \(X\backslash E_n\) is residual. \(X\backslash E_n\) contains dense \(G_{\delta}.\) Then \(\cap(X\backslash E_n)\) contains dense \(G_{\delta}.\) Then \(\bar{\cap(X\backslash E_n)} = X.\) \(int M = \phi.\)

  1. Consider dim \(X = \infty.\) If \(\{e_1, ...\}\) is a countable Hamel basis, then \(X = \cup_n span\{e_1,...,e_n\}.\) Then \(span\{e_1,...,e_n\}\) is nowhere dense, leads to \(X\) is meagre. This leads to contradiction to (4).

Fact: There is a "Berstein set" \(F\subset [0,1]\) s.t. \(\forall [a,b] \subset [0,1], F\cap[a,b]\) is neither meagre nor residual.



\(x \in \mathbb{R}\backslash Q\) is Diophantine of exponent \(\alpha > 0\) if \(\forall p/q \in Q, |x - p/q|>C/q^{\alpha}.\)

proof: 考虑代数数,作为整系数多项式系数的根,距离一个有理数的距离有下界。


Any degree-d-algebraic number is Diophantine pf exponent \(d.\)

On the other hand,


\(\forall a \in \mathbb{R}\backslash Q, \exists p/q \in Q\) s.t. \(|\alpha - p/q| \le 1/q^{a}.\)

proof: \(\forall \alpha \in \mathbb{R}\backslash Q, \forall n \in \mathbb{N},\) consider \(\alpha, 2\alpha,...,n\alpha \mod 1.\) For \(0 \le n_1 < n_2 \le n, 0 \le (n_2 - n_1)\alpha \mod 1 \le 1/n \le 1/(n_2-n_1).\) So for \(q = n_2-n_1,\) \(q\alpha \mod 1 \le q^{-1} \leftrightarrow \exists p \in \mathbb{Z}, |q\alpha-p| \le 1/q.\)


\(x \in \mathbb{R}\backslash Q\) is Liouville iff \(\forall n \in \mathbb{N}, \exists p/1 \in Q,\) s.t. \(|x-p/q| < q^{-n}.\)

eg: Liouville number \[ x = \sum\frac{1}{10^{n!}}. \] Liouville numbers are transcendental(超越数).


A generic("residually many") irrational number is Liouville.

proof: Consider set {Liouville numbers} = \(\cap O_n.\) Here \[ O_n = \{x \in [0,1]: \exists p,q \in \mathbb{Z}_+, |x - p/q| < q^{-n}.\} \] So, \(Q \cap O_n\) is dense in \(O_n.\) This leads to that {Liouville numbers} is residual and dense by BCI(Borel-C-Lemma).


A random irrational is Diophantine (2+\(\epsilon\)) \(\forall \epsilon > 0.\)


A generic continuous function on \([0,1]\) is nowhere differentiable.

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